Jana Vozárová

* 1942

Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

Freedom means more than wealth

Jana Vozárová single, still named Šestáková
Jana Vozárová single, still named Šestáková
zdroj: Archiv Jany Vozárové

Jana Vozárová was born on 12 January 1942 to the family of František and Antonie Šesták in Míkovice. Father František Šesták, as a ten-year-old boy, had to take over the family farm. During World War II he joined the resistance fighters as a member of the Defense of the Nation group. He had experienced the rough interrogations of the Gestapo and escaped to the concentration camp only because of a pretended mental illness. He cooperated with members of the paradesant group Carbon and at the end of the war actively engaged in local fighting in Southeast Moravia. After the Winning February, he refused to join the Unified Agricultural Cooperative (JZD). In 1950 he was sentenced to five years‘ imprisonment for alleged treason and was released in an amnesty in 1953. When he was imprisoned for the second time his daughter Jana had to work in the field during her father‘s imprisonment in the 1950s. Over time, they had to surrender their holdings to the Single Agricultural Cooperative and all their property was confiscated. Nevertheless, she was able to graduate from the grammar school and then the Pedagogical Institute in Zlín (at that time named Gottwaldow). Since then she has worked as a primary school teacher. She joined the Velvet Revolution in the ranks of the strike committee. She refused to take on the offer to work at the school management position, as she always considering her teaching profession as her mission.