„I didn´t do anything. That was my language. I´ve never said a word to anyone.“

Stáhnout obrázek
Marie Slezakova, maiden name Slezakova, was born on July 22nd 1929 in Nivnice village in Uhersky Brod region. She was involved in Svetlana group, the revolt group of the former partisans operating in Moravian region. She didn´t participate activly in any operation though. She knew the partisan´s hiding places and in 1949 she was arrested by the StB(former state secret police) agents together with some other people. She was being questioned and held in prison in Uherske Hradiste city prison. Mr. Alois Grbenicek (the former politician, communist party member) tried to make her sign the confession. She was sentenced to two years in prison after the court hearing that took its place on July 18th - July 22nd 1951 in Uherske Hradiste town. She is a mother of three kids.