David Šidlák

* 1964

  • "For me, it was a terrible frustration from the eighty-eighth of what happened ... I longed for those years to come back, or my idealized idea of the eighty-eighth as a wonderful golden age. I had a feeling that it was opening up again, Gorbachev's reconstruction came, I had a feeling that something was starting to happen and that it was necessary to get it somehow. It is true that we considered for a while whether it would not go through the Youth Union. There were discussions back then, reform communists ... how to handle it. In short, a group of Havlíček's youth showed up, and that suited me the most. "

  • "I know I was completely dismayed at how these people could have done it when the year sixty-eight and that spring was so amazing and wonderful with a lot of new movies and books. Our parents remembered it as an amazing time, and how it could all have gone down in 1969 so fast. I know that we had a record, a tape, my dad was filming Palach's funeral at the time, and that I didn't really understand at all that a parade of thousands of people went with the dignitaries of Charles University in January 1969 and where it all disappeared. I said, 'How could you do that? Why do we have to live in this one now? '

  • "I was a little different because I wasn't from a cultural background or not from the same. For me, for example, folk was a much more important direction of music, because there were more lyrics and politics than in the underground by which I mean classic rock. And that I tried harder to push politics into it, that demonstration visits were more important to me. At that time, a declaration of a few sentences was signed at the demonstration, and I was later fascinated by the contact with the first Chartists. We also discovered some chartists living in Brod - Honza Schneider and Tomáš Holenda, whom I then visited more often, where some people from Havlíček's youth did not go at all. Maybe there were some disputes over whether we should associate it with the Chartists that it might actually harm Havlíček's youth. Even the interrogations appeared at the moment when we made some connection or with the Chartists, when I, Pavel Šimonů, boys ... So I feel more like I was focused in the political direction, that merely the culture was not important for me. . "

  • "There were no sanctions for signing a few sentences. But the moment I posted it, it was definitely summer 89 - August, September. Because I know I should have been on trial on November 22nd. At that time, the Baton Act was approved, which was an accelerated procedure - twenty thousand KCS in fines, half a year unconditionally. I think in 1989 the Federal Parliament passed this baton law, and it fell under this. So I know I should be finished very quickly. So I posted it, an interrogation came, I was charged and a trial was ordered, I think, on November 22nd. And that November came just before that, so it didn't happen. "

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    Havlíčkův Brod, 23.02.2022

    délka: 01:53:49
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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He expected imprisonment for posting the „A few sentences“ manifesto

David Šidlák, 1980s
David Šidlák, 1980s
zdroj: archiv pamětníka

David Šidlák was born on December 16, 1964, in Brno and grew up in Havlíčkův Brod in a cantor family. He devoted his free time to rock tramping and after high school, he joined the computer centre of the national company Pleas in Havlíčkův Brod. In the second half of the 1980s, he became close to people from the cultural sphere and joined the activities of the independent civic movement Havlíček‘s Youth. In addition to the initiative‘s activities, he took part in several demonstrations and underwent several interrogations at the STB. In the summer of 1989, he posted a manifesto of „A few sentences“ on the company‘s bulletin board, and after being charged, he was threatened with imprisonment. However, the trial in November 1989 did not take place due to internal political issues. To this day, he is a candidate for the Social Democrats in the municipal council and is a member of the Budoucnost ornamental association. At the time of filming, the witness lived in Havlíčkův Brod (February 2022).