Valerij Doležal

* 1949

  • „Tam bolo také místo ako tu u Mléčného baru, u Medvídka se tomu říkalo a tam sme boli všichni. Ale já byl vpředu. Ten vyskočil z takovýho malýho tanku. Takej malej ale jarej, natáhla zbraň: ‚Snímaj plagát!' A já sem mněl strach, já sem byl stuhnutej od strachu. Však to neni sranda. Na rohu hned byla lekárna a ty baby z té lékarny to videli a s kyblama, handrama a zmetákama na nich šli. A to zabralo. To neni jeden jedinej případ, kterí takto fungoval. Zachránili mě né, že sem to já, ale že jsou to oni."

  • “I forgot to say she received a villa. Confiscate - a huge villa in a nice neighbourhood in Brno in Cernovice with a garden, with everything possible. But it was in the 50s, and she became scared. The party members destroyed each other, fought among themselves. So she made, according to herself, sensible, in my opinion totally insane step, that she offered the villa to a nursery. And we got a two-room apartment in Brno, which cannot be compared to the villa. And she went to live in a one-room gallery house in Kopecna Street in old Brno. She must have been really afraid, she was willing to abandon this. "

  • “My father's mother took her small children and went to the bare steppe in Central Asia. By the way, there was also the family of Alexander Dubcek and Julius Fucik. There she raised them and founded a union cooperative. When they founded it, it was all their personal property. They got the land and so on, but that was all. There was nothing else. Of course, I can't remember that, because I still wasn't born back then. Allegedly, it was very hard there. My father grew up there. My mother came directly from Leningrad, from an aristocratic family. My grandfather was a sea captain or an admiral. I have never seen him in my life, I have not met him. The maternal grandmother was a dentist. ”

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    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of the 20th century
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I slept on the same bed with Jaro Filip, I met Dezo Ursiny in the psychiatric hospital

Valery Dolezal was born in 1949 in Frunze, the Soviet Union. His mother was from Russia, his father from Czech. In 1950, the family moved to Czechoslovakia and began to live in Brno. Her mother got sick of tuberculosis and was treated after in various sanatoriums. His father worked as the ambulance driver. His parents later got divorced and he was raised by his grandmother, a faithful member of the communist party. Valery graduated from high school in Brno and became a drummer in various big beat bands in Brno and Bratislava. He worked in Slovak television as a gaffer, and later as a radio editor. In 1969, he first married Darina Vlašičová. In 1975 he left Slovak radio. In 1977, he divorced and remained without funds. He alternated jobs and music bands. He married for the second time in 1980 and worked as a currier. After the revolution, he went to Germany and founded a recording studio. After seven years, he returned to Slovakia. In 1994 he acquired Slovak citizenship. He still devotes his life to music.