Ana María Zubieta

* 1948

  • “I lived at the Buenos Aires suburbs, in a horrible place as in my quarter there were many soldiers and also some activists. Right behind the corner they once kidnapped children and their parents, killed the parents and gave the children to their grandparents. Those parents were a bit cheeky though as they had a child and expecting another one and as the mother was due any day soon, they didn’t run and got in a trap… from their neighbours I heard them getting kidnapped.”

  • “During dictatorship there was so called underground university, which was also nicknamed the catacombs; it operated so that working groups gathered at high school teachers´ homes. I used to visit the place of a critique, Josefine Ludmer.”

  • “Without any political support memory cannot be enforced. The awareness of genocide and memory are getting shape, if it allows for a political decision, otherwise the genocides are forgotten. Suffice to remember what happened in Chile, Spain or Uruguay… And where can we find any literature regarding getting rid of an Indian tribe in Latin America? The chapter has been forgotten due to lack of any political will.”

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    Buenos Aires, 22.09.2015

    délka: 41:35
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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Without political support the memory cannot be enforced

Ana María Zubieta
Ana María Zubieta
zdroj: Archiv - Pamět národa

Ana María Zubieta was born on 17th November, 1948 in Buenos Aires. She is the author of many books and articles regarding literary theory and critics, mainly Argentinian literature of 20th century. At the Philosophical Faculty of the Buenos Aires University he teaches Literary Theory II, and also hosted in other Argentinian and foreign universities; at her domestic university and Argentinian Southern University she has been leading research projects for many years.