Mgr. Eva Štolbová

* 1935

  • „So around five o´clock, we were about six members of the editor´s magazine, one of them Bohumil Doležal... and our head was Emanuel Mandler... he was not there and the third from the committee, Karel Štindl... and then Bohouš said: ‚There is a person in a park standing not moving at all...‘ And we all went like: ‚Show me, let me see...‘ and we would appear in the window one after another as a line of apostles... And then the first of us said: ‚I will have a look, what it looks like and if I don´t return, it means I got busted...‘ He went down and did not return... Then another... ‚Now I will have a look too...‘ So one by one they caught us all...“

  • „One went behind us... and a kind of a grandma went with me... she began telling me how she loves Masaryk and has a picture of him and Beneš and Hradčany... well and a young man with small dogs followed us... and then she went uphill away from me and I watched how the young man followed her... but the grandma was cheeky and went to a different entrance and waited about twenty minutes, and as she came out, he would still be waiting there and said: ‚How about the professor, who went with you, didn´t she tell you anything about Masaryk?‘ And she replied: ‚It was me who was telling her about Masaryk...‘“

  • „Now I stayed with one and said he would write it down. So I told him: ‚You know what, I studied the Czech language, so we will say first what we write and I will have a look then to correct any mistakes.‘ They had an idea about us already, so they were shaking like this. Really, they were afraid of what the woman is capable of doing. And one told me: ‚We have this prison room here, and Ladislav Lis would tell us here: You will all end up here... Do you think the same about us, professor?‘ And I replied: ‚Well I believe, that if you commit any criminal acts, then you deserve a just trial and... if you deserve a punishment, then serve it in a prison cell, we want no executions or such...‘“

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I wanted to be imprisoned so that I´d show them if there was a trial

Eva Štolbová - childhood 1
Eva Štolbová - childhood 1

Eva Štolbová was born on 23 July, 1935 in Ostrava. She survived the war in Zlín, where she experienced air-raid by the alliance troops in 1944; her father cooperated with the partisans during war. After war the family moved to Prague, the witness went to La Guardi gymnasium in Letná and then studied Czech at the Pedagogic Faculty of the Charles University. She worked as an editor in the Czechoslovak TV and created a number of literary dramatic programs and dramatisations of Czech and world-known authors. In her name the texts of forbidden authors were published. She had a relationship with an American saxophone player Tony Scott and later with a Slovak writer Dominik Tatarka. In 1979 she had to leave the television and then she taught in a baker´s and business training centre. In 1988 he co-founded the Democratic initiative and offered her flat for its meetings. On November 19, 1989 she was also founding the Civic forum. She described her experience in several books, which were published after revolution.