Jana Pikousová roz. Matoulková

* 1945

Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

And then he lowered the barrel and pointed at the lying people

Jana Pikousová, née Matoulková; secondary medical school graduation photo
Jana Pikousová, née Matoulková; secondary medical school graduation photo
zdroj: competition

Jana Pikousová, née Matoulková, was born on August 23, 1945 in Hradec Králové. In the same year, her father moved to Liberec to take over the managerial position at the power plant in Andělská Hora. The rest of the family moved to Liberec to follow him about a year later. At the time of the deaths of J. V. Stalin and Klement Gottwald, she was in her second school year and she and her classmates had to sign condolences. During her school years, she also became a passionate reader and was interested in literature. She studied secondary medical school and then worked in a children psychiatric ward. In August 1968, she witnessed the arrival of Warsaw Pact troops in Liberec. Her ex-husband emigrated abroad. For the second time, she married photographer Jan Pikous.