Marcela Míková

* 1942

  • „Protože ty děti byly malý, my jsme měli domek u té silnice a já to pamatuji jak dneska. Jsme měli takový okýnka malý a děti tam ležely u těch okýnek a: ‚Tanky jedou, hele, ono to tu hučí, tanky!‘ Tomu bylo pět let a tomu byly tři roky, dva roky těm dětem. No a já jsem se strašně bála. Maminka mi volala do práce: ‚Neboj se, prosím tě, nikam nechoď.‘ Vykoupený byly obchody, všechno se nakoupilo, potraviny, že bude válka. Takže na sklad se nakoupilo. Nebylo nic k sehnání. Hrozný to bylo, ta okupace. Hrozný.“

  • „Jednu vzpomínku mám taky takovou... Bydleli jsme v těch Sedlčanech a seděli jsme u stolu, když přišel z toho... Povídáme, povídáme a to byl takovej byt, tam byly schody. Prostě starej barák a lidi chodili kolem do těch bytů zase, že jo. A teď prostě po těch schodech někdo šel kolem nás, kolem těch našich dveří, a takhle bota klapala, a jak to šlo kolem těch našich dveří, tak my seděli u stolu a tatínek se zved v rychlosti, takhle strnul. No prostě bylo to dojemný, všichni jsme brečeli. No prostě si myslel, že pro něj jde ten, tak rychle strhnul čepici a postavil se do pozoru. To udělal ještě asi dvakrát, než si zvyknul, že už je doma a že nemusí.“

  • „No zatkli ho a šel po věznicích. Jednu po druhý. První byl na Borech, tam jsem za ním byla, to si pamatuji na návštěvě. A tam bylo... přepážka dlouhá, tam jsme přišli. Tam bylo takový... a to jsme si mohli opřít ruce a nahoru byl plech a v tom byly dírky. Jenom dírkovanej plech. No a tam jsme mluvili, takže jsme ho neviděli vůbec a jenom jsme se do toho plechu dívali. Já jsem byla malá, tak mě maminka postavila na tu, jak se tam ty ruce o to opřely. Nahoře to bylo volný, abych se tam na něj nahoře podívala přes ty plechy. No ale ten bachař mě chyt a stáhnul mě dolů, že tam nesmím, a já jsem upadla na ruku, začala jsem brečet a bylo po návštěvě. To byly hrozný věci, to by člověk ani nevěřil.“

  • “Memories - I have one memory of that, we went to Bory, my mother took us to visit. We didn't see him there at all, because there was a counter, there was sheet glass up to the ceiling, kind of perforated, and there was only a small window at the top. So, my mother - I remember - dropping me off to look at him through that window, at least to see him. And the janitor who was there grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the window, so that I hurt my hand. I remember that I cried a lot and we immediately left, we were there for about fifteen minutes.”

  • "It was bad in Sedlčany, because the teacher there told me right away - at that elementary school - that he absolutely wouldn't let me attend school anywhere, that I wasn't allowed. Because my mother, since we didn't have the money, thought there was a gymnasium in Sedlčany, so I would go to that gymnasium; that I attend grammar school so that I can graduate. They still wanted me to graduate. And he said: 'Impossible, she won't go anywhere here.' He told me, 'If mommy and daddy got a divorce and she rejected him,'—as if he's the traitor—'we'll let you go to school.' Well, I was... I know that I cried there, I said that mommy will never, daddy... she would never divorce him.”

  • "He didn't want me to go to Pionyr, and I didn't want to go to Sedlčany. And I remember that everyone just had to be in Pionýr. So at that time they chased me around the square in Sedlčany, they sent three children after me and they chased me and forcibly dragged me to that school and I simply had to go to that Pionýr. And in that letter, but I don't have it here, he also writes somewhere that he's very sorry, that I'm the pioneer, but that he can't say anything against it because he doesn't know what it looks like outside and that it probably had to be that probably nothing could be done. But he writes to me there: 'Please, just don't show up anywhere in that costume and don't go anywhere.'"

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All the bad serves someting good in your life

graduation photos, 1960
graduation photos, 1960
zdroj: archiv pamětnice

Marcela Míková, née Peštová, was born on August 3, 1942 in Sedlčany. Bohumil Pešta‘s father served in the Czechoslovak army before the Second World War. During the war he commanded one of the units of the partisan group Death of Fascism. In May 1945, he disarmed German soldiers in Vysoké Chlumec near Sedlčany, then he was transferred to Sokolov. In 1948, he was transferred to the garrison in Žatec, where Marcela started going to first grade. Bohumil Pešta was involved in the anti-communist resistance group Prague – Žatec. On March 9, 1949, Bohumil Pešta was arrested in Podbořany and sentenced to 25 years in prison. He served his sentence in Bory, Mírov, and Leopoldov prisons and spent most of his sentence in Bytíz. In 1952, the family was evicted from the military apartment in Žatec, the mother moved with her two children to Příbram, Marcela continued her schooling in Sedlčany. Here they refused to take her to any secondary school, so she entered the secondary economic school in Příbrami. In May 1960, fourteen days before Marcela‘s graduation, Bohumil Pešta was released from prison as part of an amnesty. Marcela started working in a brewery in Vysoké Chlumec after graduation, got married in 1961 and had two sons and a daughter. In the years 1961–1963, she worked at the ČSAD, and after maternity leave at the present-day Legionary Gymnasium in Příbram in the years 1967–1974. From 1976 until her retirement in 1997, she worked as an administrative worker and accountant at the Secondary Technical School in Příbram. She still lives in Příbram, he already has seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.