My leg went slack like a rag when the bullet hit me

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Petra Erbanová, née Šoršová, was born on May 31, 1948 in Liberec. Her parents led her to sports, playing volleyball racing since the age of twelve. She graduated from the Secondary Medical School in Ústí nad Labem, a dental laboratory. Then she worked in the dental laboratory in the center of Liberec, where she went in the morning of August 21, 1968. On the way to work she was hit by a bullet fired by a soldier of the Warsaw Pact occupation army. She was saved from further shooting by two unknown men who led her to the hospital. She underwent treatment for seven months and the consequences are still carried to this day. During normalization, she was repeatedly exposed to a suspicious and insensitive approach of officials of the state power and her employer. She actively participated in the Velvet Revolution. Since 1995 she has been working in the Speramus Asylum House in Liberec. She raised two sons. She lives in Liberec.