He made a Stencil, on which hundreds of samizdats were printed

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Milan Adámek was born on 30 March, 1971 in Přílepy. Yet with his parents and two siblings lived in a small town of Holešov. There he joined anti-regime activities with his eighteen friends. In the former Gottwaldov he regularly met Stanislav Devátý and other disidents. According to a plan of a company Canon, Milan Adámek created a single Stencil, using which hundreds of samizdats were printed. Just a few week before 17 November, 1989 he got a suspended sentence for distribution of the petition Several Sentences. After the fall of communism he worked in the Western Europe for four years. Later he and his wife bought a former coaching inn in the village Holčovice, which was also a cultural heritage. After years of reconstruction they gradually reconstructed a devastated large house and nowadays they rent the hall for various weddings and other celebrations.