Magdaléna Rajčanová

* 1973

  • „Panic began to grow there a bit, because they were obviously already pushing it from behind. Front lines weren´t moving yet, but then they moved and I was left on the ground. I was asking myself »How should I protect myself?« So I stayed on the ground and I thought they will not push me away. But the boots and the shields - it moves with you quite easily. Actually my friend dragged me out of there; he cought my hand, lifted me up and dragged me out of there. Then the panic started. It was more traumatic than euphoric experience, because people started to panic at once. You yourself started to lose nerves and became hysterical, the pressure of other people around quickly grew. Me being in the front line, I was near to the only escape way which they opened through the arcade where were the many times mentioned units of “red berets”. People streamed through the lane, one had to push himself through or the crowd would gradually had taken him away. My friend pulled me there and actually he led me through the lane out absolutely safely. I know that they dislocated his hand because he kept flag in it, so they impertinently wrenched it from his hand and then we went out of the lane.”

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Praha, 17.07.2013

    délka: 25:25
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Portraits of Prague citizens
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

It was more traumatic than euphoric experience

Majda Rajcanova - photography for project of Labyrint revoluce (documentary movie)
Majda Rajcanova - photography for project of Labyrint revoluce (documentary movie)
zdroj: internet

At that time 16 years old Majda Rajcanova nee Vovsova attended student march in 17th November 1989. She stood in the front line during demonstration on Narodni trida and she was nearly beaded up by units of „red berets“.